IT Professional Services LLC

Delivering Excellent Professional Service

We’ll take care of IT,
while you focus on your business goals

How can we help you?

Email migrations and security

Our engineers will review your email system, migrate to the best email provider and ensure that it is secure, per the most recent industry security standards

Virus, threat and potential unwanted software protection

Our stack of security products is protecting your infrastructure smoothly and reliably

NIST, PCI and HIPAA compliance services

Our team provides NIST, PCI and HIPAA compliance services. Depending on your business type, our team tweaks or security products stack, implements and manages security solution, so you could conduct your business safely.

Network audits

Our engineers will audit your network, so you could ensure that it is secure, per the most recent industry security standards

Managed support, security protection, monitoring and patching

Our proactive network support will ensure that your network is running securely, smoothly and reliably

Outsourced IT

We operate like your own internal IT department, and you receive all the benefits without having to manage IT on your own

Network Architecture

Network architecture refers to how computers and other devices are organized in a system, how tasks are allocated between these computers and how are those protected

Network Cabling

ITPS provides structured data/analog network cabling services for commercial, industrial, educational, healthcare and other clients

VOIP (Voice Over IP)

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a conventional (analog) phone line

Would you like to discuss IT support services with us?

Let’s get in touch, and we’ll find the best path to cover your IT support needs